Zone 6 DCP Shahaji Umap said, “We are searching for that key maker.”“They used to rob bikes, modify them by changing the colour and some parts and then stick the sticker of Mumbai police on the bikes, so that no one would doubt it,” Mr Jhadhav said. So they told their parents that they did some work and out of that salary they had bought such high range bikes,” the officer added.Arol Luis Vegar (19) and Ganesh Bote (22), are the sons of police constables, and the other accused are identified as Tejas Anchal (23), Akshay Didhe (26) and Sachin Darekar (24). We laid a trap and arrested him.A five-member gang that allegedly stole two-wheelers in Mumbai east region and stuck ‘Mumbai police’ stickers on them to avoid arousing suspicion was arrested on Tuesday. The police said the gang distributed work among itself, and Anchal, Vegar and Bote would roam around crowded areas in Mumbai on bikes and after identifying those with unlocked handles, would tow them away manually.”
Investigation officer of the case, Pandurang Jadhav said, “After searching CCTV footages and through sources we got clue that Tejas had brought a new KTM bike recently. The police recovered all bikes from them and arrested all of them under sections 379 (theft) and 34 (when a criminal act is done by several persons in furtherance of the common intention of all, each of such persons is liable for that act in the same manner as if it were done by him alone). Two of the arrested accused are sons of police constables. On May 15 he came to Nehru Nagar police station and filed a complaint of bike theft. We arrested Tejas from Pant Nagar and during interrogation he China wholesale Bicycle Handlebars revealed the names of others and their modus operandi too.
The accused had been operating for the past seven months and robbed two bullet bikes, two Activa, a Karizma, an Avenger and a KTM. While Vegar is a BSc student and Bote an engineering student, the latter three work in a private company. They also made duplicate keys with the help of a key maker to rob some bikes in particular.The Nehru Nagar police, which made the arrest, said, “On May 14, complainant Rohan Agarwal, (22), a resident of Kurla west, Sanjivani Nagar lost his bike KTM RC 200 worth Rs 1,73,000 at night.
After which we started investigating the case and found out some clues. “Secondly, they told police during investigation that they committed the crime because they like high range bikes and their parents were not letting them buy them.” end-of. Meanwhile he and his other friends had modified the bike by changing its silencer and number plate
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